Dr. Shabir Ahmad

Completed Ph.D. (2017)
Email: shaphyjmi
Research interests:
Compound Semiconductors, Irradiation Effects of Semiconductors, Photovoltaic.
Supervisor: Prof M. Zulfequar
Co-Supervisor: Dr Mohd. Shahid Khan
1. Shabir Ahmad, Mohd. Nasir, K. Asokan, Mohd. Shahid Khan and M. Zulfequar,
Electronic excitation induced structural, optical and electrical properties of Se85S10Zn5 thin films and applicability of a single oscillator model, RSC Adv., 5 (2015) 69400-69409.
2. Shabir Ahmad, K. Asokan, Mohd. Shahid Khan & M. Zulfequar, Effect of 60Co γ-irradiation on structural and optical properties of thin films of Ga10Se80Hg10, Philosophical.
Magazine, Vol. 95, No. 22 (2015) 2385-2402.
3. Shabir Ahmad , K. Asokan and M. Zulfequar, Investigation of structural and optical properties of 100 MeV F7+ ion irradiated Ga10Se90-xAlx thin films, Philosophical Magazine,
Vol. 95, No. 12 (2015) 1309-1320.
4. Shabir Ahmad, Mohsin Ganaie, Mohd. Shahid Khan, M. Zulfequar, Effect of laser and visible light Irradiation on structural and optical properties of thin films of amorphous selenium and selenium mercury (80:20 composition), Adv. Mat. Lett., 5(9), (2014) 511-519.
5. Shabir Ahmad, Mohsin Ganaie, Mohd. Shahid Khan, K. Asokan and M. Zulfequar,
Effect of laser irradiation on structural and optical properties of thermally evaporated thin
films of amorphous Cd5Se95−xZnx, Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, Vol. 170, No. 1, (2015) 30-42.
6. Shabir Ahmad, Mohd. Shahid Khan, K. Asokan, M. Zulfequar, Effect of gamma irradiation on the structural and optical properties of thin films of a-CdSe, Optik 126
(2015) 3501-3505.
7. Mohsin Ganaie, Shabir Ahmad, M. Zulfequar, Electrical transport mechanism in Cd5Se95-xZnx chalcogenide thin films, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, DOI 10.1007/s10854-015-3720-x.